I've been back in my Ohio home for around 6 months now. 6 months of chaos and upheaval. 6 months of battling that damn depression goblin. My return was abrupt, my daughter was in the hospital. (that's her tale to tell, all that's needed to know here is that she's okay now.) My child was in the hospital and my house was in ruin. Seems my oldest son saw no point in mowing the backyard...for three months. Even more upsetting was him taking to heart my request not to leave the dogs crated too much. Translation, they were never crated and my house smelled...bad. All my frustrations were released in what I like to call "The Great Remodel of 2011". I ripped up all the carpet and laid a new tile floor, painted every wall, every surface I could and bought all new furniture. I briefly considered buying a herd of goats to tackle the backyard but decided mowing would be the smarter way to go. My house smells good and I'm not ashamed to admit has a lot more glitter and sequins.
The job front. I'd planned on starting my new job search a few weeks before my return but the urgent need to come home didn't allow for that. I had to go back to the same job I'd left. I'm grateful my bosses allowed me to come back but it wasn't a job I wanted anymore. After a bit of searching I've found a job I love with coworkers I love.
And speaking of love...I've found that too. More on that later.
For now. I'm happy. This winter has been incredibly mild, it's supposed to be in the fifties tomorrow. My house is beautiful, I've found love, I found a job I love and I'm going to be a Grams...or Nana...Mimi?...hmm. I'll have to think on what this little one should call me for a while.
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